• Environment - Sustainable development
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court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • 45000 € Finecourt hammer
    infoFine for non-compliance with accessibility or safety rules
  • 1 Years without right - 5 Years without right court hammer
    infoProhibition, permanently or for a term of not more than 5 years, from carrying out one or more professional or social activities
  • 1 Closurecourt hammer
    infoTemporary or permanent administrative closure in the event of non-compliance
  • 1 Display or broadcast of the sentencecourt hammer
    infoPosting of the pronounced decision or its dissemination either by the written press or by any means of communication to the public by electronic means
  • 1 Damage to reputationcourt hammer
    infoRisk of inconsistency with company values - Commitment to serving the public interest

    Accessibility rules for premises for people with reduced mobility

    Scope of application

    The accessibility rules apply to residential premises, establishments receiving the public, facilities open to the public and buildings for professional use.
    Builders, owners and operators of establishments open to the public (ERP).


    Subject to being authorized after the opinion of the departmental advisory commission on civil protection, safety and accessibility, exemptions to the accessibility of the premises are provided for in the following cases
    • technical impossibility,
    • constraints related to the conservation of the heritage,
    • manifest disproportion between the improvements brought by the accessibility and their costs, their effects on the use of the building and its surroundings (or the viability of the operation of the establishment).
    Moreover, these provisions are not mandatory for owners building or improving a dwelling for their own use.


    The architectural provisions, interior and exterior fittings and equipment of residential premises, establishments open to the public (ERP), facilities open to the public and workplaces must be such that these premises and facilities are accessible to all, and in particular to people with disabilities, regardless of the type of disability, particularly physical, sensory, cognitive, mental or psychological.

    Concerning the ERP, the accessibility of these establishments and their surroundings concerns :
    • exterior pathways,
    • vehicle parking,
    • access and reception conditions in the buildings,
    • horizontal and vertical circulation inside the buildings, interior premises and sanitary facilities open to the public,
    • the doors, the interior locks and the exits,
    • the coatings of the grounds and the walls,
    • the interior and exterior equipment and furniture that may be installed there (lighting and user information devices, for example).
    Solutions of equivalent effect (e.g. removable ramps) may be implemented if they meet the same objectives as the solutions prescribed by regulation. Where applicable, they must be validated by the administration beforehand.

    If the establishment does not comply with the accessibility rules, its manager must submit applications for authorization to work or for a building permit to bring it into full compliance, under penalty of administrative and penal sanctions.


    Departmental Advisory Commission on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA)


    Project owner

    Exploitant d'un établissement recevant du public (ERP)

    Propriétaire d'un établissement recevant du public (ERP)

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