- Environment - Sustainable development
3 open days - 12 months
Application for environmental permit
Scope of application
Any project for a classified installation subject to the authorisation regime must be the subject of an authorisation application before it is put into service. For a substantial modification to an existing site, authorisation must also be obtained before the modification is implemented.
This procedure applies within certain size limits (see the nomenclature) to installations such as livestock farms, fuel warehouses and cold stores, for example.
This procedure applies within certain size limits (see the nomenclature) to installations such as livestock farms, fuel warehouses and cold stores, for example.
Each installation is classified in a nomenclature that determines the obligations to which it is subject, in decreasing order of risk level: authorisation, registration or declaration systems.
The operator must apply for an authorisation before starting up, demonstrating that he complies with the technical measures for preventing risks and nuisances defined in a general prescriptions order.
A public consultation notice must be
The operator must apply for an authorisation before starting up, demonstrating that he complies with the technical measures for preventing risks and nuisances defined in a general prescriptions order.
A public consultation notice must be
- posted in the town hall and on the site of the installation itself, for at least 4 weeks ;
- published in two newspapers published in the department or departments concerned and on the prefecture's website.
Since the publication of the decree of 12 December 2019, the application for environmental authorisation is made in dematerialised form, via the government's service-public.fr portal.
The following documents must be attached to each copy of the application:
The application for an environmental permit must include at least the following common elements:
The application for an environmental permit must include at least the following common elements:
- When the petitioner is a natural person, his name, first names, date of birth and address and, if it is a legal person, its name or company name, its legal form, its SIRET number, the address of its head office as well as the capacity of the person signing the application;
- A mention of the place where the project is to be carried out as well as a location plan of the project on a scale of 1:25,000 or, failing that, 1:50,000, indicating its location;
- A document attesting that the petitioner is the owner of the land or that he has the right to carry out his project or that a procedure is underway to give him this right;
- A description of the nature and volume of the activity, installation, work or work envisaged, its execution and operation methods, the processes implemented, as well as an indication of the heading(s) of the nomenclatures to which the project belongs. It includes the means of monitoring and surveillance, the means of intervention in the event of an incident or accident as well as the conditions for restoring the site after operation and, where applicable, the nature, origin and volume of water used or affected;
- Either, when the application relates to a project subject to environmental assessment, the impact study carried out in application of Articles R. 122-2 and R. 122-3, if necessary updated under the conditions provided for in III of Article L. 122-1-1, or, in other cases, the environmental impact study provided for in Article R. 181-14 ;
- If the project is not subject to environmental assessment following the case-by-case examination provided for in Article R. 122-3, the corresponding decision, accompanied, where applicable, by the petitioner's indication of the changes made to the characteristics and measures of the project which motivated this decision;
- Graphic elements, plans or maps useful for understanding the documents in the file, particularly those provided for by 4° and 5° ;
- A non-technical presentation note.
- works
- clearing
- new projects
- etc.
Direction régionale de l'environnement, de l'aménagement et du logement (DREAL)
Exploitant d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (ICPE)