• Environment - Sustainable development
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  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • 45000 € Finecourt hammer
    infoFine for non-compliance with accessibility or safety rules
  • 1 Closurecourt hammer
    infoTemporary or permanent administrative closure in the event of non-compliance

    Autonomous door operation in public buildings

    Scope of application

    Operators of establishments open to the public (ERP) of the 1st and 2nd groups.


    People with motor disabilities (wheelchair users or people with walking sticks) need barrier-free spaces for three main reasons:
    • to rest ;
    • to perform a manoeuvre; and
    • to use some kind of equipment or device.
    These spaces are horizontal to the nearest 2%.

    In establishments open to the public, whether a door is located laterally or perpendicularly to the axis of a common circulation, the manoeuvring space required is a rectangle of the same width as the circulation, but the length of the rectangle varies according to whether the door is pushed or pulled.

    People with reduced mobility should be able to manoeuvre the doors independently.

    There are two possible situations in the corridors:
    • pushing the door open: the minimum length of the door manoeuvre space is 1.70 m ;
    • opening by pulling: the minimum length of the door manoeuvre space is 2.20 m.


    Departmental Advisory Commission on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA)


    Site director

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