- Environment - Sustainable development
as soon as the ERP complies with accessibility requirements
20 minutes - 2 open days
Certificate of accessibility from an establishment receiving public ('ERP')
Scope of application
The owner of an establishment or facility subject to the accessibility obligation is responsible for transmitting the accessibility certificate concerning this establishment or facility.
However, this obligation is incumbent upon the operator of the establishment or facility when the lease contract or the agreement of provision transfers to him the obligations of accessibility made to the owner.
When an establishment is up to standard, the owner must send a certificate of accessibility :
It is possible to teledeclare the accessibility of your establishment directly online.
- to the prefect of the department ;
- to the commission for accessibility of the municipality where the establishment is located.
It is possible to teledeclare the accessibility of your establishment directly online.
Exploitant d'un établissement recevant du public (ERP)
Propriétaire d'un établissement recevant du public (ERP)