• Environment - Sustainable development
  • CalendarBefore commissionning
  • Time10 hour(s) - 12 months
  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • [to be determined] € Finecourt hammer
    info5th class fine
  • 1 Giving noticecourt hammer
    infoGiving notice
  • 1 Damage to reputationcourt hammer
    infoRisk of inconsistency with company values - Responsible Governance

    Declaration of a new installation classified for the protection of the environment ("ICPE")

    Scope of application

    Any facility newly subject to declaration, before going into production.


    A D-ICPE installation is an activity that does not present serious dangers or nuisances. It must nevertheless respect environmental rules and is subject to the ICPE declaration regime, before the project is put into service.


    Direction régionale de l'environnement, de l'aménagement et du logement (DREAL)


    Exploitant d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (ICPE)

    Are you an expert?

    I choose an action leading to compliance :