- Accounting - Management - Finance
To be calculated
1 minutes - 7 hour(s)
Declaration of cessation of payments - compulsory liquidation
Scope of application
Any business - microenterprise, sole proprietorship or company - whose cash flow is no longer sufficient to pay its debts (cessation of payments).
When a company is in a state of suspension of payments, it must file a declaration within 45 days (known as a bankruptcy declaration - cerfa no. 10530) with the commercial court or the judicial court to which the company belongs.
The declaration triggers the opening of conciliation, reorganisation or compulsory liquidation proceedings.
Judicial liquidation proceedings are open to any debtor referred to in article L. 640-2 who has ceased payments and whose recovery is manifestly impossible. Judicial liquidation proceedings are intended to put an end to the company's business or to realise the debtor's assets through a global or separate transfer of his rights and assets.
The declaration triggers the opening of conciliation, reorganisation or compulsory liquidation proceedings.
Judicial liquidation proceedings are open to any debtor referred to in article L. 640-2 who has ceased payments and whose recovery is manifestly impossible. Judicial liquidation proceedings are intended to put an end to the company's business or to realise the debtor's assets through a global or separate transfer of his rights and assets.
Commercial court
Représentant légal de l'entreprise