- Business activity
7 hour(s)
Displaying and advertising prices in hotels and other establishments similar to accommodation
Scope of application
Hoteliers, operators of holiday villages and family holiday homes, tourist residences and residential villages, renters of furnished tourist accommodation and bed and breakfast accommodation, operators of camping sites, caravan parks and other developed sites.
The operators concerned are required to display prices in three ways :
- outside the establishment
- inside the establishment at the reception area
- behind the door of the rooms
- name and address of the establishment
- name of the customer
- date and place of performance of the service(s) with a detailed account, in quantity and price, of each service provided
- the total amount due by the client
- if applicable: separate display of VAT
- the original is given to the client
- the duplicate is kept for at least 2 years by the operator
The conditions under which the issue of a note is compulsory or optional must be reminded to customers by a readable display at the place where the payment of the price is made.
Indicate on a visible display at the place where the payment of the price is made that the issue of a note is optional for services whose price is less than 25 € (VAT included)but must be provided to the customer if requested.
(FR) Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF)
Exploitant de l'établissement