- Environment - Sustainable development
The first time an authorisation threshold is exceeded
3 open days - 12 months
Environmental assessment of projects likely to have significant environmental or human health impacts
Scope of application
A list of the categories of projects, plans and programs, which must be subject to an environmental assessment has been established:
- projects subject to an environmental assessment, systematically : see appendix to article R122-2 of the environment code
- plans and programs subject to systematic environmental assessment : see I of article R122-17 of the environment code
Projects which, by their nature, size or location, are likely to have significant impacts on the environment or human health are subject to an environmental assessment based on criteria and thresholds defined by regulation. (see appendix to article R122-2 below) and, for some of them, after a case-by-case examination carried out by the environmental authority (Ae).
Environmental assessment: concept
Environmental assessment is a process made up of the development, by the client:
- an environmental impact assessment report, hereinafter referred to as "impact study",
- of carrying out consultations:
- public ;
- cross-border, where applicable.
- the examination, by the authority competent to authorize the project, of all the information presented in the impact study and received within the framework of the consultations carried out and the contracting authority.
The environmental assessment makes it possible to describe and assess in an appropriate manner, depending on each particular case, the significant direct and indirect effects of a project on the following factors:
- population and human health;
- biodiversity, paying particular attention to species and habitats protected under Directive 92/43 / EEC of 21 May 1992 and Directive 2009/147 / EC of 30 November 2009;
- land, soil, water, air and climate;
- material goods, cultural heritage and landscape;
- the interaction between the factors mentioned in 1 ° to 4 °.
The impacts on the stated factors include the impacts likely to result from the vulnerability of the project to the risks of major accidents and disasters relevant to the project concerned.
When a project consists of several works, installations, structures or other interventions in the natural environment or the landscape, it must be understood as a whole, including in the event of splitting in time and space and in the event of multiplicity of contracting authorities, so that its impact on the environment is assessed in its entirety.
Environmental assessment: submission of the file
When a project is submitted for environmental assessment, the file presenting the project including the impact study and the submitted authorization request is sent for opinion to the environmental authority as well as to the local authorities and their groups interested in the project.
The opinions of local authorities and their groups, as soon as they are adopted, or information relating to the absence of observations made within the time limit set by decree in the Council of State are made available to the public on the website of the competent authority when the latter has such a site or, failing that, on the site of the prefecture of the department.
The opinion of the environmental authority is the subject of a written response from the contracting authority.
Autorité environnementale (AE)
Project owner
Collectivité territoriale
Etablissement public