• Governance - Commitments
  • CalendarTo be calculated
  • Time15 minutes - 5 day(s)
  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • [to be determined] € Finecourt hammer
    infoAdministrative fine of 9,000 euros - offence relating to shareholders' meetings
  • 6 month of detentioncourt hammer
    info6 month jail sentence - Shareholder meeting violation

    General Meeting (GA) on the approval of the annual accounts and the appropriation of the profit or loss

    Scope of application

    This obligation applies to simplified joint stock companies.


    Within the time frame of six months from the close of the financial year and materialized through a General Meeting (AGM) and minutes, the President or the sole partner, if applicable, causes to proceed to the decision of the partners, under the conditions provided for in the statutes, for:
    • approving the management report, inventory and annual accounts
    • decide on the allocation of the result
    • if applicable:
      • approve certain non-deductible expenses;
      • approveregulated agreements (except for SASU whereregulated agreements are only mentioned on the register ofdecisions of the sole partner).

    Note: Refer to the by-laws for details on how the general meeting will be conducted (meeting mode, quorum, etc.).

    Decisions are listed in a register.

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