• Compliance
  • Calendar...
  • Time1 open days
  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • 60 month of detentioncourt hammer
    info3 ans d'emprisonnement [exportation sans déclaration de marchandises prohibées]
  • 1 Damage to reputationcourt hammer
    infoRisk of inconsistency with company values - Ethics
  • 1 Damage to reputationcourt hammer
    infoRisk of inconsistency with company values - Responsible products and services

    General export authorization of the European Union (GEUA)

    Scope of application

    Dual-use items subject to export authorization are grouped into the following 9 categories:

    Attention: it is up to the exporting companies to determine themselves whether their products are concerned or not by the "dual-use goods" control according to the technological characteristics of their products.


    Export controls on so-called dual-use items and technologies are implemented by the state to combat the destabilising accumulation of weapons in certain regions of the world. It also aims to combat the proliferation of means of mass destruction.

    According to the usual definition, this category includes "goods, equipment - including technology, software, intangible or know-how - which may have both civilian and military uses or which may - wholly or in part - contribute to the development, production, handling, operation, maintenance, storage, detection, identification, or dissemination of "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD - nuclear, biological, chemical, etc.)

    The export of dual-use items listed in Annex I of EU Regulation 428/2009 is subject to authorisation, which is valid throughout the European Union.

    The Community General Export Authorisation (CGEA) numbers EU001 to EU006 are defined in Annexes IIa to IIf of Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 as amended. Each annex should be consulted to check that the conditions corresponding to the Community General Authorisation applied for are indeed met. These authorisations are valid for an unlimited period and quantity.

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