- Environment - Sustainable development
Horizontal interior circulation in ERP
Scope of application
The operators, builders and managers of establishments open to the public.
The regulation of interior circulation is the same as the exterior pathway.
Interior horizontal circulation is accessible and safe for people with disabilities. The main structural elements of the pathway are identifiable by people with visual impairments.
Persons with disabilities can access and exit all premises open to the public independently:
Interior horizontal circulation is accessible and safe for people with disabilities. The main structural elements of the pathway are identifiable by people with visual impairments.
Persons with disabilities can access and exit all premises open to the public independently:
- the creation of maneuvering spaces with the possibility of turning around for a person in a wheelchair;
- identification and guidance;
- free passage under high obstacles, which is reduced to 2 m in parking lots.
- the structural aisles are at least 1.40 m wide and allow a person in a wheelchair to access the accessible areas, the services offered by the establishment and the adapted sanitary facilities from the entrance of the establishment;
- the other aisles must comply at least with the widths set by the safety regulations for fire and panic risks in establishments open to the public.
Departmental Advisory Commission on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA)
Site director