- Commerce - Trade
2 - 20 hour(s)
Mandatory postings in a debit, restaurant or online alcoholic beverage sales site
Scope of application
All serving drinks and restaurants.
Any drinking establishment or restaurant must display:
- a signage of the ban on smoking ;
- the regulation on the repression of public drunkenness and the protection of minors (in particular the prohibition of the sale of alcohol to the under-18s), only for the establishments holding a "debit of drinks" license.
In a drinking establishment to be consumed on the spot, the operator must also display:
- inside: the list of drinks and their price;
- outside: the prices at the counter and in the room of the drinks most often served.
For more details, see the obligation "Price display in establishments serving meals, food or beverages to be consumed on site".
In a restaurant, it is also obligatory:
- to display the menu and the day's menu for the duration of the service (and at least 11.30 for lunch and 18.00 for dinner), with the words "drink included" or "drink not included" For the menu, and the possible indication of times if certain menus are only served at certain times of the day;
- to use, in the menu or the card, the exact names of the dishes or ingredients, which must not be misleading and must correspond to the name on the supplier's invoice (for example, a block of foie gras does not must not be described as fatty liver on the map);
- to indicate the origin of beef offered for consumption (on the menu or in posters), under penalty of a fine of 450 € (or 2 250 € for a legal person), by one of the following mentions:
- "Origin: (name of country)" where the birth, rearing and slaughter of cattle took place in the same country;
- "Born and bred: (name of country or countries) and shot: (name of country)" when birth, breeding and slaughter took place in different countries.
The wine list of a restaurant, which may be a separate document from the menu or be inscribed on the back of the menu, must comply with the following obligations:
- indicate if the wine is served in bottles or in the pitcher;
- separate wines according to their type: table wine, country wine (for which the term "cuvée" is reserved), wine with a controlled designation of origin (AOC) or wine of superior quality (VDQS);
- use the prescribed sales names (name of the country wine, name of the appellation of origin); mention the vintage of the bottles actually on sale;
- display the price, the net volume and the corresponding alcoholic strength.
The trademark of wines, variety names or "castle" names are optional information.
No consumer price advertising may be conducted on items that are not available for sale.
The mention and the logo "homemade" should indicate the homemade dishes in specific conditions.
The indication of allergens in non-prepacked foods must be on the menu or on a notebook kept available to customers.
On a website selling alcoholic beverages online, it is mandatory:
- to display on the home and payment pages the information banner set out in Annex 4 of the Order of 17 October 2016 warning that the sale of alcohol is prohibited to minors under 18 years of age. This message can not be modified, it is fixed and visible. Its content can not be altered.
Mairie (cas général)
Préfecture (Alsace-Moselle)
Préfecture de police (Paris)
Etablissement de restauration servant des plats contenant un ou plusieurs morceaux de viandes bovines ou viandes hachées
Etablissement servant des repas, denrées ou boissons à consommer sur place
Exploitant d'un établissement distribuant des boissons alcoolisées
Exploitant mettant sur le marché des boissons spiritueuses