• Environment - Sustainable development
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  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • 45000 € Finecourt hammer
    infoFine for non-compliance with accessibility or safety rules
  • 1 Closurecourt hammer
    infoTemporary or permanent administrative closure in the event of non-compliance

    Manoeuvring space with turnaround facility for wheelchair users in public buildings

    Scope of application

    Operators of establishments open to the public ('ERP'), builders of ERP.


    People with motor disabilities (wheelchair users or people with walking sticks) need barrier-free spaces for three main reasons:
    • to rest ;
    • to perform a manoeuvre; and
    • to use some kind of equipment or device.
    These spaces are horizontal to the nearest 2% rise.

    The manoeuvring space allows the wheelchair to be manoeuvred, as well as a person with one or two canes. It allows the wheelchair to be oriented differently or to make a U-turn.

    The manoeuvring space remains linked to the pathway but with a width requirement corresponding to a Ø 1.50 m.
    A manoeuvring space with the possibility of turning around is compulsory inside the accessible sanitary facility or, failing that, in front of the door.

    A partial overlap of a maximum of 25 cm is possible between the space allowing a wheelchair user to make a U-turn and the door clearance, with the exception of the lavatory door. Such an overlap is not permitted in adapted toilets.

    An overlap of the manoeuvring space with the possibility of a U-turn of 15 cm is permitted under the hand-washing basin or washbasin or under a sink.

    Only one overlap may be made in a turning space.

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