- Environment - Sustainable development
before modification
3 open days - 12 months
Modification of an installation classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE)
Scope of application
Any modification made by the declarant to the installation classified as an ICPE, to its mode of operation or to its vicinity, resulting in a significant change to the elements of the initial declaration file.
The operator of an ICPE is required to :
- declare any changes to the operation (an application for authorisation may then be necessary): extension, modification, making the site safe, change of operator, etc. ;
- notify the prefect of any cessation of activity at the site at least one month before the final shutdown;
- report all accidents or incidents that have occurred as a result of the operation of its installation;
- inform any successor of the obligation to submit a declaration of succession within one month of the new operator taking over the operation (if the activity is subject to financial guarantees, the change of operator is subject to prefectoral authorisation);
- submit to inspections by the inspection services for classified installations and send them any document or information useful for updating the file.
Exploitant d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (ICPE)