- Governance - Commitments
15 minutes - 1 open days
Notice of the general meeting distributing dividends
Scope of application
This concerns companies subject to Corporate Tax which meet the
conditions set out in Article L.232-12 of the Commercial Code. Thus, the
General Meeting or the group of partners can only decide to distribute a
dividend after having:
- approved the accounts for the past financial year;
- noted the existence of distributable sums
The decision to distribute dividends is taken at a General Meeting. The partners must therefore be convened to this general meeting in accordance with the legal (15-day period before the holding of the general meeting) and statutory procedures.
The invitation must contain the following information:
The invitation must contain the following information:
- the identity of the company (name, form, amount of capital, registered office, RCS number),
- date of the convocation,
- date, time and place of the general meeting,
- nature of the meeting,
- agenda of the general meeting (in particular the distribution of dividends).
Commercial court
Représentant légal de l'entreprise