• Governance - Commitments
  • CalendarTo be calculated
  • Time15 minutes - 5 day(s)
  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • [to be determined] € Finecourt hammer
    infoAdministrative fine of 9,000 euros - offence relating to shareholders' meetings
  • 6 month of detentioncourt hammer
    info6 month jail sentence - Shareholder meeting violation
  • 1 Invaliditycourt hammer
    infoNullity of decisions

    Ordinary general meeting (AGO) on the approval of the annual accounts and the appropriation of the result

    Scope of application

    This obligation applies to the following entities:
    • Partnership Limited by shares
    • Public limited company with board of directors
    • Public limited company with a management board
    • European company


    The ordinary general meeting (AGO) shall be convened at least once by year, within six months of the end of the financial year, subject to extension of time by court order.

    The Board of Directors or the Executive Board shall present to the meeting:

    • the annual accounts;
    • management report;
    • Corporate Governance Report;
    • and, where applicable, consolidated accounts.

    TheIn their report, the auditors report on theof the mission assigned to them (on corporate accounts, accountsregulated agreements, etc.).

    The Assembly shall deliberate and decide on all matters relating toannual accounts and, where appropriate, the consolidated accounts ofthe past fiscal year.

    AGO does not deliberate validly on the firstnotice that if the shareholders present or representedless than one fifth of the voting shares. Incompanies whose shares are not admitted to negotiations on aregulated market, the statutes may provide for a higher quorum. Onno quorum is required.

    It shall act by a majority of the votes of the shareholders present or represented.

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