• Governance - Commitments
  • Calendarafter each acquisition or transfer of shares
  • Time15 minutes
  • 1 SUR 6

      Partners' register

      Scope of application

      Any civil partnership whose statutes provide for the keeping of a register of partners or where the articles stipulate that the transfer of shares may be made effective against the company by transfer in its records.


      Where the articles provide for a register of members, it shall be kept at the registered office of the company and shall consist of identical sheets of paper used on one side only, in the chronological order in which they are drawn up.
      of identical sheets of paper used on one side only. Each of these sheets shall be reserved for one holder of shares by reason of his ownership or for several holders by reason of their co-ownership, bare ownership or usufruct of such shares.

      Each slip shall contain in particular :
      1. The surname, first name and usual address of the original member and the date of acquisition of the shares
      2. The nominal value of these shares;
      3. The name, first name and address of the transferee(s) of the shares;
      4. The surname, first name and usual address of the person(s) who received the shares as collateral, the number of shares pledged and the amount guaranteed;
      5. The date of acquisition of the shares, their transfer, their pledge and its release;
      6. The date of approval and the indication of the corporate body which granted it.
      A new form shall be drawn up for each new member; this form must include a statement enabling, where appropriate, the identification of the member whose shares he has acquired.

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