• Environment - Sustainable development
  • Calendar28 SEP 17
  • Time10 minutes - 2 hour(s)
  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • 1 Damage to reputationcourt hammer
    infoRisk of inconsistency with company values - Commitment to serving the public interest

    Public Accessibility Register (PAR)

    Scope of application

    Any establishment open to the public ('ERP'), new or existing building.


    The ERP located in a built environment must be such that any person with a disability can access it, circulate in it and receive the information that is disseminated in it, in the parts open to the public.
    Information that is easy for the public to read and understand must be disseminated by means adapted to the various disabilities.

    The purpose of the Public Accessibility Register (PAR) is to inform the public about the degree of accessibility of the establishment and its services.

    The managers of ERP are free to choose the form of the register, in paper or digital version.

    Note: public reception, elevators, lighting, sanitary facilities: another order published in the Official Journal of April 26, 2017 defines all the technical rules to qualify the ERP (when they are built) as buildings accessible to people with disabilities.

    What must the register contain?

    The register must include a number of items that vary depending on the situation of the ERP :
    • A global presentation of all the services offered by the building
    • The degree of accessibility of the ERP through :
      • for newly built ERP, the certificate of completion of work subject to building permit, provided for in article L. 111-7-4 of the CCH ;
      • for existing ERP in conformity, the accessibility certificate, provided for in article R. 111-19-33 of the CCH;
      • for ERP under Ad'AP, the schedule for making them accessible, the mid-term report (only for 4 to 9 year agendas), and at the end of the Ad'AP, the certificate of completion, provided for in article D. 111-19-46 of the CCH;
      • for the ERP under AT, the accessibility notice, provided for in article R*111-19-18 of the CCH;
      • where applicable, the prefectural decrees granting the exemption(s).
    • The training of the personnel to receive the public through :
      • the DMA information booklet entitled "Welcoming people with disabilities", available for download below;
      • the description of the training actions;
      • for 1st to 4th category buildings only: the annual certificate signed by the employer describing the training courses and their supporting documents.
    • The terms of maintenance and use of accessibility equipment.

    Are you an expert?

    I choose an action leading to compliance :