• Accounting - Management - Finance
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  • Time15 minutes - 10 hour(s)
  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • 1 Invaliditycourt hammer
    infoInvalidity of legal action
  • 1 Damage to reputationcourt hammer
    infoRisk of inconsistency with company values - Responsible Governance

    Publication of seat transfer in a legal announcements journal (JAL)

    Scope of application

    Any company wishing to change or modify the address of its registered office.


    The company has one (1) month from the date of the amending deed (e.g., the minutes of the shareholders' meeting at which the decision was taken) to publish a notice of the change in a legal gazette (JAL) indicating the new and old locations of the registered office:
    • if the jurisdiction of the commercial court is unchanged, the notice must be inserted in a legal gazette for the location of the registered office,
    • if the jurisdiction is different, 2 notices must be published (the first in the legal gazette of the place of departure, the second in the gazette of the place of arrival of the registered office).
    The notice must also include the following information:
    • Company name followed, if necessary, by the acronym of the company
    • Legal form of the company
    • Amount of share capital
    • Registered office address
    • Unique company identification number
    • RCS:" followed by the name of the town or city where the registry office registering the company is located.
    • Names of persons with general authority to bind the company: surname, first names, address
    If the transfer of registered office concerns a company holding a license or authorization issued by a supervisory authority for the exercise of its regulated activity, the diploma, license or authorization must be attached to the file. Where applicable, this authorization must be amended with the new competent territorial authority.

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