- Environment - Sustainable development
Au premier dépassement d'un seuil d'enregistrement
3 open days - 12 months
Registration request for one or more installation(s) classified for environmental protection ("ICPE")
Scope of application
Any classified installation project falling under the registration regime must be the subject of a registration application before it is put into service. For a substantial modification on an existing site, registration must also be obtained before the implementation of this modification.
Each installation is classified in a nomenclature that determines the obligations to which it is subject, in decreasing order of risk level: authorisation, registration or declaration regimes.
The registration regime is considered to be intermediate between the declaration and authorisation regimes, when the risk is controlled.
The operator must apply for an authorisation before any start-up, justifying that he complies with the technical measures for the prevention of risks and nuisances defined in a general prescriptions order.
A public consultation notice must be
The following documents must be attached to each copy of the registration application
The registration regime is considered to be intermediate between the declaration and authorisation regimes, when the risk is controlled.
The operator must apply for an authorisation before any start-up, justifying that he complies with the technical measures for the prevention of risks and nuisances defined in a general prescriptions order.
A public consultation notice must be
- posted in the town hall and on the site of the installation itself, for at least 4 weeks ;
- published in two newspapers published in the department or departments concerned and on the prefecture's website.
After public consultation, the prefect may authorise or refuse operation by prefectoral decree.
- 1° A map at a scale of 1:25,000 or, failing that, at a scale of 1:50,000 on which the location of the planned installation is indicated;
- 2° A plan, on a scale of at least 1:2500, of the area surrounding the installation up to a distance of at least 100 metres. When distances are provided for in the general prescriptions order provided for in Article L. 512-7, the 1:2,500 scale plan must cover these distances plus 100 metres;
- 3° An overall plan, on a scale of at least 1:200, indicating the planned layout of the installation as well as, up to a distance of at least 35 metres, the use of neighbouring buildings and land, the layout of existing underground networks, canals, bodies of water and water courses. A smaller scale may, at the request of the petitioner, be accepted by the administration;
- 4° A document enabling the prefect to assess the compatibility of the planned activities with the land use planned for the sectors delimited by the land use plan, the local urban development plan or the communal map;
- 5° In the case of an installation to be set up on a new site, the applicant's proposal on the type of future use of the site when the installation is finally shut down, accompanied by the opinion of the owner, when he or she is not the applicant, as well as that of the mayor or the president of the public establishment of inter-communal cooperation competent in matters of town planning. These opinions are deemed to have been issued if the persons consulted have not given their opinion within forty-five days of their referral by the applicant;
- 6° Where applicable, the Natura 2000 impact assessment in the cases and conditions provided for by the regulatory provisions of sub-section 5 of section 1 of chapter IV of title I of book IV;
- 7° The technical and financial capacities of the operator;
- 8° A document justifying compliance with the requirements applicable to the installation by virtue of this Title, in particular the general requirements laid down by the Minister responsible for classified installations in application of I of Article L. 512-7. This document presents, in particular, the measures adopted and the performance expected by the applicant to guarantee compliance with these requirements;
- 9° Information enabling the Prefect to assess, where applicable, the compatibility of the project with the plans, schemes and programmes mentioned in 4°, 5°, 17° to 20°, 23° and 24° of the table in I of Article R. 122-17, as well as with the measures set out in the order provided for in Article R. 222-36;
- 10° When the installations come under the provisions of Articles L. 229-5 and 229-6:
- a) A description of the raw materials, fuels and auxiliaries likely to emit greenhouse gases;
- b) A description of the various sources of greenhouse gas emissions from the installation;
- (c) A description of the measures taken to quantify greenhouse gas emissions through a monitoring plan that meets the requirements of the Regulation implementing Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading. This plan may be updated by the operator under the conditions laid down in the same regulation without having to amend his registration;
- d) A non-technical summary of the information mentioned in a to c ;
- 11° For installations with a thermal capacity of more than 20 MW generating waste heat that is not recovered at a useful temperature level or those that are part of a heating or cooling network, a cost-benefit analysis to assess the opportunity to recover waste heat, in particular through a heating or cooling network. An order of the Minister in charge of classified installations and the Minister in charge of energy, issued in the manner provided for in Article L. 512-5, defines the installations concerned as well as the methods for carrying out the cost-benefit analysis;
- 12° For combustion installations with a thermal output of 20MW or more, a description of the measures taken to limit the installation's energy consumption. In particular, elements on the optimisation of energy efficiency, such as secondary heat recovery, shall be provided.
The registration application is completed under the following conditions:
- when the installation requires a building permit, the application for registration must be accompanied or completed within ten days of its submission by proof that the building permit application has been submitted. The granting of a building permit does not constitute registration within the meaning of the provisions of this section;
- when the installation's location requires a land clearing authorisation, the registration application must be accompanied or completed within ten days of its submission by proof that the land clearing authorisation application has been filed. The granting of a clearing authorisation does not constitute a registration within the meaning of the provisions of this section.
Direction régionale de l'environnement, de l'aménagement et du logement (DREAL)
Exploitant d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (ICPE)