• Human resources
  • Calendar01 JAV 20
  • Time15 minutes
  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • [to be determined] € Finecourt hammer
    infoObstructing the regular operation of the social and economic committee - Fine
  • 12 month of detentioncourt hammer
    infoObstructing the regular operation of the social and economic committee - Jail
  • 1 Damage to reputationcourt hammer
    infoRisk of inconsistency with company values - Responsible Governance

    Social and economic committee register

    Scope of application

    Any company with between 10 and 50 employees.


    Since January 1st 2020, the register of staff representatives is replaced by the social and economic committee (SEC) registree.

    It must contain written notes setting out the requests of the members of the SEC staff delegation and the employer's reasoned responses.

    It is made available to employees, the labor inspector and members of the SEC staff delegation.


    Service régional de contrôle de la Dreets



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