• Environment - Sustainable development
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  • 1 SUR 6
court hammer
infoTheoretical penalty(s) of non-compliance subject to the judge's discretion and, where applicable, to certain conditions
  • 45000 € Finecourt hammer
    infoFine for non-compliance with accessibility or safety rules
  • 1 Closurecourt hammer
    infoTemporary or permanent administrative closure in the event of non-compliance

    Staff training in ERPs

    Scope of application

    Operators of establishments open to the public ('ERP') throughout France. ERP of the 1st group (1st to 4th category).


    In establishments open to the public with a capacity of more than two hundred people (1st group) of all types, the employer must implement training in reception and support for disabled people for professionals in contact with users and customers.

    The public accessibility register refers to this training in reception by requiring that a certificate signed by the employer be included in the register, updating the list of trained reception staff, as well as the certificates.

    The ratification law refers to "professionals in contact with users and customers". The term "in contact" covers a broad reality, since many employees may have contact with the public, without having a mission dedicated to welcoming or accompanying this public. That said, this contact may be physical, but it may also take place at a distance (by telephone in particular).

    Training in the reception of people with disabilities should enable trainees to achieve several general and educational objectives.


    Departmental Advisory Commission on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA)


    Site director

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