- Environment - Sustainable development
01 JUL 16
5 - 15 day(s)
Waste policy (sorting of 7 flows)
Scope of application
All producers and holders of waste (companies, businesses, administrations, local authorities, etc.), whether they are owners, co-owners or tenants of a business or office space, whose waste is collected :
- by a private service provider,
- by the public waste service and who generate more than 1,100 litres/week of waste (all waste combined), alone or in groups, on the same site (for example, a commercial building or shopping mall).
The waste concerned is, including those resulting from construction and demolition work :
- paper
- metal
- plastic
- glass
- wood,
- mineral fraction,
- plaster.
To stop wasting resources and developing a circular economy, companies have to sort out their non-hazardous but reusable waste.
The producers or holders of paper, metal, plastic, glass or wood wastes must sort them out to the source. Waste belonging to the category
of paper, metal, plastic, glass and wood
waste can be together preserved in mixture.
When certain waste of paper, metal, plastic, glass
and wood are not treated on the spot, their producers or holders organize their collection separately from other wastes in order to allow their later sorting and reuse.
The producers and holders of paper, metal, plastic, glass and wood waste:
- either proceed themselves to the reuse/valuation of this waste;
- or sell this waste to the owner of a valuation installation;
- or sell this waste to an intermediary assuring an activity of collection, transport, trade or brokerage of waste with the aim of their valuation or reuse.
Notes :
- The developers of an installation of valuation or the intermediaries assuring the collection of waste deliver every year, before March 31st, to the producers or holders of paper, metal, plastic, glass or wood waste a certificate mentioning the quantities expressed in tons, the nature of the waste with which they were entrusted the previous year with the aim of their valuation and their destinations of final valuation. The certificate can be delivered online.
- It is forbidden to mix paper, metal, plastic, glass or wood waste which were sorted out by their producers or holders with other waste which have not been the object of the same type of sorting.
Ministry of Energy Transition (Environment)
Représentant légal de l'établissement