Human resources

Publication of the gender equality index in companies

From March 1, 2021, companies with more than 49 employees must make their gender equality index public. This index, created 2 years ago, aims to fight against pay inequalities between different genders.

What is the Gender Equality Index?

The gender equality index was introduced in the law of September 5, 2018 “For the freedom to choose one's professional future”. Its objective is to assess compliance with the principle of equal pay between men and women. It is mandatory to publish it on March 1 of each year for all companies with more than 49 employees.

This indicator is based on 4 to 5 criteria depending on the number of employees and makes it possible to generate a score out of 100. If the company's score is below 75/100, it will have to take measures to improve it during the Next 3 years.
Beyond this deadline, if the overall score still does not reach 75/100, the company will incur a fine of up to 1% of its payroll.

List of criteria for evaluating companies:
  • gender pay gap
  • difference in the rate of individual increases
  • number of employees increased following their maternity leave
  • parity among the 10 highest salaries
  • promotion rate difference (only for companies with more than 250 employees).

How to calculate and declare are the gender equality index?

"Index Egapro" is an online tool allowing the companies concerned to calculate and report their gender equality index. This tool is based on the 5 criteria mentioned above and includes all the necessary calculation rules.

After having recorded the data concerning your company, a result per indicator as well as the index as a whole will be communicated to you.
All the indicators are calculated according to a scale ranging from 0 to 100 points.
As a reminder, companies must obtain a minimum score of 75 points out of 100. Otherwise, they will be required to implement corrective measures within the following 3 years.

This same tool, Index Egapro, also allows you to report to the labor inspectorate the result obtained when calculating the gender equality index.

The overall index score must be published on the company's website. In the event that the company does not have a site, the result of the index must be announced to employees by other means (email, letter, posting in the premises, etc.).

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Human resources

Publication of the gender equality index in companies



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