With the aim of offering the most effective and comprehensive assistance possible to companies, self-employed professionals and entrepreneurs acting or intending to act in France, we refer to all legal fields relating to the law applicable to the management of a civil or commercial economic activity.
The covered standards are nearly fifty codes of law containing more than 100,000 articles: social action and families, craft industry, insurance, civil aviation, cinemas and animated images, civil, commerce, consumption, construction and housing, defense, disciplinary and penal of the merchant marine, public fluvial domain and inland navigation, customs, education, electoral, energy, entry / stay foreigners and asylum, environment, forestry (new), general tax and its 4 annexes, monetary instruments and medals, book of fiscal procedures, mining, mining (new), monetary and financial, heritage, criminal, seaports , postal and electronic communications, intellectual property, research, road, rural (old), rural and sea fishing, public health, internal security, security social, sport, tourism, work, transport, town planning, roads.
Other sources of French law have jurisdiction over codes of law such as judgments of the court of cassation, ministerial, prefectural and municipal decrees, simple laws (not codified), decrees and circulars as well as regulations issued by the authorities. administrative.
European regulations are sources of law applicable in France.
European directives must be transposed into French law and often have a deadline. The judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union supplement the sources of European Union law.
International treaties ratified by France, such as those of the International Labor Organization, contain obligations that are imposed on establishments in France. Taxation, management, legal