Is the entrance to my establishment accessible to all?


23 Avr


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As an establishment receiving the public you must guarantee accessibility for all. This applies both to the accessibility of the building and to the various services offered. In the case of your entrance, if it is difficult to access because of steps, elevation or other factors, you must offer an accessibility solution for all. The most common solution, which is the least expensive, is the accessibility ramp. There are several types of ramps, depending on the situation:
  • Manual removable ramp
  • Folding step with hyphen
  • Removable hyphenated ramp
  • Manually unfolded ramp after a call to the staff
  • Ramp unfolded automatically after a call from the staff
Reminder: Staff responsible for the reception of disabled people must be trained in the use of this removable equipment. The training must be included in the establishment's accessibility register.


Service company


SINCE 2022

Fire safety ERP Accessibility PMR


control right
A network of experts at your side.
Established throughout France, works directly with the operators but also upstream of the taking of premises.
Thanks to its network of experts present on the territory, as well as its Backoffice team composed of state-qualified architects, interior architects, SSIAP 3, preventionists, building engineers and project managers, you benefit from dedicated and relevant assistance in the key areas of fire safety and PRM accessibility. takes care of all the administrative procedures related to the compliance of the establishment concerned. offers dedicated and turnkey services to be in perfect compliance with the regulations in force.

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