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0 questions | 4 contents

"The brand of products or services is a sign used to distinguish the products or services of a natural or legal person from those of other persons" - L711-1 of the intellectual property code.In other words, it is a question for any person to reserve, by law, the use of a sign which will distinguish him from his competitors, for the designation in the trade of products and / or services.There are several types of marks (verbal, figurative, sound, shape, pattern etc.), the idea being that it can be represented in the national register of marks.

3 - 4 questions | 7 contents max.

A capital increase in cash by payment of cash brings new financial resources to the company and strengthens its equity.This operation also makes it possible to integrate new shareholders into the capital without selling shares or company shares.This module presents the key stages of a capital increase in cash by payment of cash as well as the mandatory formalities.

1 - 4 questions | 9 content max.

A capital increase in cash by offsetting a debt allows new partners to be integrated into the capital without the need for them to remit new funds.This mechanism is aimed in particular at associates with current account receivables, or partners of the company with receivables from the company, and wishing to transform it into a capital contribution and thus strengthen the company's equity.This module presents the key stages of a capital increase by offsetting receivables as well as the mandatory formalities.

3 - 4 questions | 15 contenus max.

A company can be stopped voluntarily or forced/submitted because it is in default of payment. In either case, there are many steps to be taken and they must be carried out in a precise order. This module enables you to find out about these different steps according to the type of cessation of activity.

0 - 5 questions | 7 contents max.

The regulations specify that not all your booths have to meet PRM accessibility standards. However, it is imperative to provide at least one for every 20 booths. If you have men's booths on one side and women's booths on the other, you will need a disabled booth on each side.

1 - 2 questions | 5 content max.

The partners or future partners of a company can obtain shares or shares in a company in return for the provision of goods to a company and in particular of company securities. Thus, it is possible to contribute securities to an existing company or to a new company in order to integrate its capital which will, for example, have the objective of managing the participations of the contributor's company (holding company).This module presents the key stages of a contribution of securities as well as the mandatory formalities.

3 - 4 questions | 13 contents max.

The creation of a website, whether for a legal entity or a natural person, implies compliance with certain requirements, whether in terms of display and/or data processing.

3 - 4 questions | 4 contents max.

Someone owes you money and has still not paid you? You can either try to proceed amicably by establishing a dialogue with the debtor, or you can go through a judge and take legal action. The latter scenario can involve different procedures, more or less fast and complex.

3 questions | 9 contents max.

Dismissal on personal grounds (disciplinary or non-disciplinary) of an employee who does not have representative functions in the company must follow a very specific procedure. Moreover, the employer must justify an authorised reason (some reasons are prohibited) which must be based on a real and serious cause. Failure to comply with the procedure leads to sanctions against the employer.

0 - 1 questions | 4 contents max.

When a company makes a profit, it can decide to remunerate its partners by paying them dividends.This module presents the key stages of dividend distribution.

1-2 questions | 3 contents max.

The company's official administrative and legal address is referred to as its registered office. This address, established in the articles of association when the company is registered, is recorded on the K-bis extract and must appear on all company invoices and correspondence. Changing the location of the registered office is feasible, but requires compliance with certain legal procedures, which vary according to the new location of the registered office.

6 - 8 questions | 15 contents max.

Employers wishing to make employees redundant for economic reasons must comply with certain conditions, as well as a procedure and support that depend on the number of employees affected by the redundancy.

3 - 5 questions | 15 contents max

The following topics are covered in this module:Termination by agreementEnd of a fixed-term contract (CDD)End of contract: documents to be given to the employeeCertificate of employmentCertificate for the Employment OfficeBalance of all accounts

2 - 3 questions | 13 contents max.

The control of exports of so-called "dual-use" goods or items is implemented by the state to combat the destabilizing accumulation of weapons in certain regions of the world and the proliferation of means of mass destruction.Entities concerned by this module: exporters from the European Union.

8 - 10 questions | 30+ contents

The European Union has worked a lot in recent years on the establishment of a legislative and regulatory arsenal aimed at securing human and animal food. In 2006, the EU therefore adopted a number of European regulations (the “Hygiene Package”) directly applicable in all Member States and applicable to the entire agrifood sector (primary production, distribution to the end consumer, agrifood industry, catering, transport, storage, etc.).

3 - 5 questions | 1-3 contents max.

In the life cycle of a company, hiring is one of the most common steps. This module enables you to find out what obligations arise from the hiring of a new employee (whether French, European or foreign).

0 - 5 questions | 10 contents max.

As an establishment receiving the public you must guarantee accessibility for all. This applies both to the accessibility of the building and to the various services offered. In the case of your entrance, if it is difficult to access because of steps, elevation or other factors, you must offer an accessibility solution for all. The most common solution, which is the least expensive, is the accessibility ramp. There are several types of ramps, depending on the situation:Manual removable ramp Folding step with hyphen Removable hyphenated ramp Manually unfolded ramp after a call to the staff Ramp unfolded automatically after a call from the staff Reminder: Staff responsible for the reception of disabled people must be trained in the use of this removable equipment. The training must be included in the establishment's accessibility register.

0 - 1 question | 7 contents max.

Bonds are negotiable securities which establish a right of claim on a commercial company. A commercial company wishing to obtain financing by a loan can thus decide to issue a bond loan. Thus, the lender, whether natural or legal person, can take out convertible bonds in return for his loan. The holder of convertible bonds may convert the bonds into company shares or sell their securities under the conditions provided for in the bond issue contract.This module presents the key stages of an issue of convertible bonds.

3 - 4 questions | 6 contents max.

Company Creator Share Warrants (BSPCE) are warrants awarded by a company aimed at attracting their beneficiaries to its growth and thus creating a feeling of "ownership" within the company. These warrants give their beneficiary the right to acquire shares in the company, for a specific period and at a price already set. BSPCEs are therefore a particularly advantageous tool because they make it possible to freeze the value of the company for the benefit of their holders. So if your company grows in value, BSPCE holders will be able to acquire shares at a price below market value.This module presents the key stages of a BSPCE issue.

0 - 1 question | 10 contents max.

The preferred shares allow the shareholders to confer specific rights that ordinary shares and their percentage of capital ownership do not confer on them. This module presents the key stages of an issue of preferred shares as well as the mandatory formalities.

1 question | 5 contents max.

Simplified joint-stock companies (SAS) offer great operating flexibility and in particular allow partners to freely define the terms of transfer of securities as well as governance.Therefore, when a company grows and seeks funding, it is frequently called upon to change its organization and transform itself into an SAS.This module presents the key steps in transforming an SARL into an SAS as well as the mandatory formalities.

2 - 3 questions | 1min

Every employer must keep a certain number of registers at the disposal of the labor inspectorate. These records are based on the number of employees. The company risks fines in case of non-compliance.

0 - 5 questions | 8 contents max.

Wheelchair users must have access to all the services offered by your establishment in the same way as an able-bodied person. For this to happen, their movements must be autonomous and unobstructed when they circulate within your establishment. Your infrastructure must therefore be laid out in a precise manner in compliance with the accessibility standards in force. Manoeuvring spaces are part of these obligations.A manoeuvring space with the possibility of turning around is mandatory:At every point where a choice of route is possible;In front of entrance doors served by an accessible route and which have an access control system.These provisions are not applicable in ERP, if the level is not accessible to wheelchair users.

0 - 1 question | 10 contents max.

The accessibility of toilets for disabled people in existing ERP's only applies when there are toilets for the public. In this case, it is compulsory to have at least one toilet accessible and adapted to PRMs. These toilets must be easily accessible and located in the same place as the other toilets. In order for a disabled person or a person with reduced mobility to be able to use the toilets without any problem, the room must have :A door adapted to the passage of a wheelchair, opening outwardsA space to allow a wheelchair to turn around in the cubicleA mirror, soap dispenser etc. at the right heighta grab barA tap and lock that is easy to reach and open/close

3 - 4 questions | 6 contents max.

The registration of chemical substances is mandatory for any company manufacturing or importing into the European Union in quantities equal to or greater than 1 ton per year.

3 - 5 questions | 8 contents max.

This module concerns any company producing or using certain substances, or carrying out certain activities, listed in the nomenclature of Installations Classified for Environmental Protection.This module should enable you to identify the ICPE nomenclature headings that apply to your site, and your position in relation to the thresholds. your site, and your position in relation to the thresholds. The administrative procedures to be carried out will be identified where applicable: declaration, registration or authorisation files, notification, etc., as well as the regulatory requirements that you must meet.

3 - 5 questions | 10+ contents

It is the responsibility of the head of the establishment that the work equipment and means of protection put into service or used in the establishments are equipped, installed, used, adjusted and maintained in such a way as to preserve the safety and health of the workers. Thus, the technical and safety installations and devices in the workplace must be maintained and checked at appropriate intervals.This module makes it possible to identify the obligations relating to an establishment according to its machines or work equipment. Wherever possible, tables have been drawn up to facilitate the reading and centralization of information.Keywords : ERP, IGH, ICPE, work equipment, machines, lifting devices, scaffolding, personal protective equipment (PPE), electricity, fire, elevators, elevators, doors and gates, playgrounds, refrigerants, medical devices, thermal energy, occupational hazards, ionizing radiation, radon, electromagnetic radiation.

2 questions | 8 contents max.

The status of commercial leases is a protective regime for the benefit of the tenant of a commercial premises if the latter is himself a merchant. The right to renewal at the end of the lease contract (after 9 years) is a strategic step for the tenant if he plans to stay in the leased premises in order to continue to operate his business without changing his address.

0 - 5 questions | 5 contents max.

Any establishment receiving the public (ERP) "seated" must receive people with reduced mobility under the same conditions as any other user. This mainly concerns restaurants, theatres and cinemas. Your infrastructure must therefore provide special places, according to its capacity, accessible by a passable path. The number of places to be made accessible is determined as follows :2 adapted places are necessary for 50 places;Beyond that, you will have to count one additional adapted space for every 50 additional places;If your capacity is greater than or equal to 1,000 people, then you must have at least 20 adapted spaces. Distribution: the adapted places are distributed according to the different categories of places offered to the public. The idea is not to place each accessible space in the same place.

0 - 5 questions | 5 contents max.

I must be careful about the destination of the building in which I want to set up my establishment. I may be subject to a change of use, for which a prior declaration must be filed. Please note that, depending on the PLU (Local Urban Plan), certain activities are not authorised in certain zones.

2 - 3 questions | 7 contents max.

Signing a commercial lease contract allows the lessee to benefit from the status of commercial leases. These statutes offer the tenant various advantages: the right to renew the lease after 9 years, the right to payment of an eviction indemnity if the lease is not renewed the revision of the rent every three years according to an indexation clause.In order for the commercial lease statute to apply, four conditions must be met, and this module proposes to review them.

1 - 2 questions | 2 contents max.

Ranking of a commodity in the combined nomenclature of the common tariff according to the general rules and explanatory notes of the harmonized system of codification and designation of goods (HS).This classification can be used in case of control or litigation by the customs administration.

0 - 5 questions | 10 contents max.

Horizontal internal corridors: These must be accessible and safe for people with reduced mobility. They must also be visible to visually impaired people. They must be able to access and exit all premises open to the public like any other person in your establishment.Vertical internal circulation: If your establishment is located on a floor or if it contains several levels with different services, all stairways and lifts must be brought up to standard.These must be able to be used independently by disabled people.

0 - 1 question | 4 contents max.

When a partner of a joint stock company wishes to sell his shares or the entire company, he must comply with statutory rules but also with legal obligations.This module presents the key stages of a share sale as well as the mandatory formalities.

0 - 1 question | 6 contents max.

When a partner of SARL, EURL, SNC, SCS or civil society wishes to sell his shares or the whole of the company, he must comply with statutory rules but also with legal obligations.This module presents the key stages of a transfer of shares as well as the mandatory formalities.

3 - 6 questions | 16 contents max.

The voluntary closure of a company can only be done when the said company is not in a state of cessation of payment, which would require in this case to file for bankruptcy with the commercial or judicial court.The voluntary closure is also called "Dissolution-liquidation" because it goes through these two distinct steps: decision by the manager to dissolve the company, then to liquidate the assets in order to pay the possible creditors.